Usually, they set precedents in their reigns that are followed by future successors. The highest and leader of the church is the UniPope, regarded as the most powerful religious and influential figure ever. The base mosque of the church is on Planet Daio (similar to the vatican), where the Unipope regularly resides. Some choose not to follow the church's teachings or ideals, however, the majority of Kaioshinists do. The church has a massive clergy system and rank hierarchy, with mosques or temples, healers, and various other religious services being available on most first-world planets. It holds a very major cultural and political influence. It has underwent several reformations in is several million year history, and has rarely engaged or been the cause of any major wars/conflicts. Its sacred leader is the UniPope, currently Ravun XI. It has an estimated 85 nonillion followers spanning from all corners of space. The Church of the Kais is the largest organized religious order in the universe, practicing. This article, Church of the Kais, is property of TheGreatKuzon! This article, Church of the Kais, is a Role-Play article.